49 young ladies presently reside in the Grace Girls Home located in Carrefour's Lamentin Grace Village campus. In the home, the young ladies are given the essential life skills to succeed as leaders and people of impact. After completing High School, Grace seeks sponsors to financially help the young ladies attend University or other post-secondary school. Successful graduates include a medical doctor, an RN, a High School Science teacher and several business majors. Not all our ladies have sponsors who can afford to donate the cost of University or trade school. Anyone who might like to assist with post-secondary school education is encouraged to contact us.

This home is being built for our older girls who are in the process of finishing their post-secondary education, but are not yet able to live on their own. Since the inception of our girls and boys homes, we have committed to allowing our girls or boys to stay in the orphanage and not send them away just because they reach the age of 18, as many orphanages do. The Haitian Minister of Affairs has told Dr. Joel and Doris Jeune that as long as the older girls are living separately from the younger ones, the arrangement would be acceptable. To this end, one of our long time partners and Grace International Board Member has given us a memorial gift toward building this home, and ground-breaking for construction was celebrated March 22nd, 2013. This new home, which is now over half completed, will also free up space in the existing Girls Home for more orphan girls to be admitted. The total amount needed to complete our new Transitional Home is $156,450, and we are urgently seeking help for this funding. A breakdown of these costs is available.
At present we have 49 boys residing in our Grace Boy's Home at our Waney campus, which is approximately three miles away from Grace Village. Most of these boys have lost their birth parents at the early stages of their lives. At the Grace Boy's Home, they are given essential life skills to become strong young men and leaders in society. Presently we have several young men who wish to attend University or Trade Schools this fall and would be very appreciative of any help they might receive.

Canadian donations can be made and mail to:
(Please contact our office for information about the gift amount in each level)